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Srimaya Mahapatra

Hi, I am Srimaya Mahapatra and I am the founder of the "Peace and Pace Career Academy" for mid-career professionals in the age group of 35 to 45 to get recognized as an outstanding leader with absolute peace of mind and pace of chasing goals using Mindfulness within 90 days of implementing my MLS Model. I am the creator of the Mindfulness Leadership System, Mindfulness Leadership Challenge and Mindfulness Leadership Mastery Level Courses.

From my 19+ Years of career experience both as an employee and an entrepreneur, coaching 7k+ Learners spanning over 11 cities and serving 21 Govt. & Corporate Clients, I've learned that it all boils to down six major challenges when we hit that mid-career mark in your career and I am committed to address them through my courses, community and counselling.

After getting mentored by top notch international coaches, doing thousands of hours soul searching and deep diving through various research materials, I have created this simple accelerated learning platform to help you with the necessary MINDSET, SKILLSET AND TOOLSET of Mindfulness Techniques to address these two major issues once and for all!

Let's deep dive into the wonders of Mindfulness and emerge as Leaders that the world today needs so badly!